Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Day is Publish'd.......

 'This Day is publish'd According to Act of Parliament (Neatly bound)

 'A LITTLE PRETTY POCKET-BOOK, intended for the Instruction and Amusement of little Master Tommy and pretty Miss Polly; with an agreeable Letter to each from Jack the Giant-Killer; as also a Ball and Pincushion, the Use of which will infallibly make Tommy a good Boy and Polly a good Girl.
'To the Whole is prefix'd, A Letter on Education, humbly address'd to all Parents, Guardians, Governesses, etc.; wherein Rules are laid down for making their Children strong, hardy, healthy, virtuous, wise, and happy...
'Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Crown, near Devereux Court, without Temple Bar.  Price of the the Book alone 6d., with Ball or Pincushion 8d.'

On the 18th of June 1744 the above announcement appeared, in 'beguiling style', on the back page of the Penny London Morning Advertiser.

It is said, that this Little Pretty Pocket-Book is now famous as the first book for children published by John Newbery, and the above notice seems to be the earliest announcement of it's publication.  The world of the day probably had very little idea that this small work was notable or that it started a new era in children's literature.

(information taken from an essay by Mrs. M. F. Thwaite)

The BINDERY at the sign of the CROWN and BOOK is pleased to inform the publick, a copy of this notable work may be had, neatly bound in 1/4 calf with decorative paper boards, upon request.  Please inquire at fromcommonhands.com for more information on the BINDERY'S selection of Blank and Printed Books.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure a few of these little treasures make their way east to Walker Homestead this September <3
